Teaching Resources

Teaching Resources

Teaching Resources

Teaching Resources


Nancy Kisangau

Nancy Kisangau
Nancy Kisangau is a fourth year student at Kenyatta University pursuing a Bachelor degree in Law. Prior to this, she worked in the Kenya National Human Rights Commission as an attaché in the Reforms and accountability department. She has also worked in the government sector as an intern in the National Housing Corporation, a state parastatal committed to effectuating housing rights for Kenyan citizens.

Name, Title
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
United States

Name, Title
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
United States
After graduating with a BA in Economics and English, Amanda worked for the Chilean Ministry of Education as an English teacher in Chile. While there, she volunteered for an urban development NGO that was carrying out 24 community projects and helped draft Frutillar, Chile’s successful application to the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. During her career, she has worked with international youth on educational programs sponsored by the British Council and the U.S. Department of State. She is a former White House intern and an incoming Fulbright Scholar.

Felix Mmeka
Port Harcourt

Felix Mmeka
Port Harcourt
Felix is currently a National Youth Service Corp member serving his country, Nigeria at Ministry of Works, Uyo, Akwa Ibom. He graduated from Swansea University, with a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering in 2014 and went on to complete a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering in 2017. Felix developed a strong devotion to Youth Empowerment and giving back to his Community during his time at Swansea University from various leadership roles e.g. Sports Officer and Trustee of Swansea University Students’ Union, Treasurer of 2 societies etc. These experiences gave him an appreciation of how initiatives can significantly impact people’s lives.

Harun Momanyi

Harun Momanyi
Harun Momanyi is a youth empowerment expert, a socioeconomic development journalist and an entrepreneur. He is passionate about the SDGs. Originally from Kenya, Harun currently works as the Head of Kenya with Reform Africa Group, a Pan-African organization focusing on creating solutions to help youth realize meaningful employment and tackle life challenges better. In 2014, he was finalist in the Haller Prize for Development Journalism, became and ambassador for the NUHA Foundation Global Blogging Prize in 2015, a Forbes Africa 30 Under 30 nominee in 2018 and was shortlisted for the BBC World News Service Komla Dumor Award in 2018.

Victor Musa

Victor Musa
Victor is an Engineer and a problem solver. He is passionate about education and poverty eradication. Victor currently works as Cofounder and facilitator of Tech the girl Child Africa (TGC) an outreach program that seeks to engage over 10,000 girl child, especially in Africa with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).
Victor is also serving as Director of sales and marketing at Mingcart, a company he cofounded in 2016 to unify Africa through culture and traditions.
Victor has received a number of prestigious National Merit Scholarship awards for his dedication to education. He hopes see everyone educated someday.

Ezinne Uche

Ezinne Uche
Ezinne is a youth passionate about issues pertaining to inclusive growth, sustainable development, climate change and the enormous transformations taking place in especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. She seeks to earn a doctorate degree in Development Economics and her career goal is to be a development economist in an international development organization.

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Teachers trained by GSP Advocates
SDG activities and lessons
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Educators & admins engaged in Global Schools activities
Global School's vision is to create a world where every student is equipped with environmental and social knowledge, values, and skills to shape a prosperous and sustainable future
We are a primary and secondary education program working through a network of schools. As an initaitive of the UN SDSN, our mission to support schools, educators, and researchers with training, curriculum, and methodologies to integrate sustainable development into education from the classroom to the policy level.

Retos del siglo 21
La importancia de prestar atención urgente al desarrollo sostenible es crítico para el futuro del planeta y su gente. De acuerdo con los científicos, el cambio climático podría amenazar el sustento, generar conflictos, acelerar la pérdida de la biodiversidad, exacerbar los brotes de enfermedades, desestabilizar los sistemas sociales y políticos, causar crisis económica, y aumentar las desigualdades. Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (SDGs) son 17 objetivos ambiciosos para un planeta más verde, saludable, pacífico y equitativo, acordados por todos los gobiernos, que se alcanzarán para el 2030.
Educación para un mundo mejor
Para cambiar el curso, el mundo necesita más de sus ciudadanos, especialmente de la siguiente generación, para tener el conocimiento, valores, y habilidades para navegar mejor este futuro incierto, hacer frente a sus retos profundos, y construir comunidades más prósperas y resilientes. La investigación muestra que la Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible (EDS) es una herramienta crucial, que no sólo empodera estudiantes para dar forma a un mundo mejor, sino que también se desempeñan mejor en la escuela.
El rol de las escuelas y los educadores
Más de la mitad de la población de nuestro planeta está por debajo de los 30 años - la mayor generación de personas jóvenes que el mundo haya visto. Esto pone a los educadores en una posición de influencia única para educar a millones de estudiantes a sobrepasar los grandes desafíos del siglo 21 y llevar una vida saludable y productiva, en armonía con la naturaleza.

Programa de escuelas globales
El Programa de Escuelas Globales es una iniciativa de la Red de Soluciones de Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas en apoyo del Programa de Acción Global de la UNESCO sobre Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible (EDS).
A través de la investigación y la promoción, Global Schools desarrolla las herramientas, los recursos y los programas para ayudar a los sistemas educativos de todo el mundo a dar forma a un mundo más resistente y sostenible. La visión del programa es crear un mundo en el que cada estudiante de primaria y secundaria esté equipado con el conocimiento, los valores y las habilidades necesarias para responder con eficacia a los mayores desafíos de este siglo y dar forma a un mundo sostenible y próspero para todos.





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