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Image by Prado
Global Schools
Case-Study Guide

Showcasing sustainable development initiatives in school communities globally

Volume 2

The Global Schools guidebook, "Practicing Education for Sustainable Development: Case Study Guide for Educators, Volume 2," will launch at the 2024 ECOSOC Partnership Forum centered around the theme: “Accelerating the recovery from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at all levels.” Serving as a testament to innovation, leadership, and collective action, the guidebook showcases how Global Schools Advocates throughout the world incorporate Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into their curriculum, school-wide practices, and communities. 

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Stories on SDG projects and Classroom activities

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Successful School-wide Strategies for ESD and GLobal Citizenship

Advice on overcoming challenges from Classroom TEACHERS

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Lessons learned for

School stakeholders

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Inspiring Stories

TO recognize and

celebrate educators

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Volume 1

The Global Schools guidebook: "Practicing Education for Sustainable Development: Case Study Guide for Educators" launches on International Education Day, January 24th, 2022, in support of the theme "Changing Course, Transforming Education." The publication showcases the stories of Global Schools Advocates who are implementing sustainable development projects and initiatives in school communities globally. The purpose of this guide is to showcase best practices of educators around the world who have successfully incorporated Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in their lessons and activities. This case-study guide summarizes lessons learned for educators, teachers, school leadership, and policymakers. It also celebrates educators on International Education Day, while inspiring others to take up school-wide strategies for ESD.

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Stories on SDG projects and Classroom activities

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Successful School-wide Strategies for ESD and GLobal Citizenship

Advice on overcoming challenges from Classroom TEACHERS

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Lessons learned for

School stakeholders

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Inspiring Stories

TO recognize and

celebrate educators

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