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The Global Schools Program is looking for more Project Officers to join our incredible team to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals across the world.


Global Schools (GS) is an initiative led by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network in support of UNESCO’s Global Action Program on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Its mission is to empower schools and teachers globally to educate students on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The vision of the program is to integrate ESD in schools and engage students with the SDGs. The program aims to do this by transforming learning environments globally and making schools the hubs of education and leadership on sustainable development, ultimately becoming vehicles for empowering and mobilizing students and young people to help implement the SDGs in their communities.

Apply for the available roles below by December 2nd, 2022.

For more information about the openings, please contact

If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please use a different browser to submit, or send all relevant materials to Thank you!

Project Officer, Advocacy

Project Officer, Alumni Engagement

Project Officer, Communications

Project Officer, Multimedia Content

Project Officer, Podcast Producer

Project Officer, Content

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SDSN moviliza el esfuerzo científico y tecnológico mundial para promover soluciones prácticas para el desarrollo sostenible, incluida la implementación de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y el Acuerdo Climático de París.

19 rue Bergère

75009 Paris 


+33 (0) 1 84 86 06 60

475 Riverside Dr. 

Suite 530

New York, NY 10115


+1 (212) 870-3920

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