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Brenda Garcia Millan

Project Officer, Research

Brenda Garcia Millan is a Research and Policy Analyst at a San Diego-based organization called Climate Action Campaign, where she researches innovative local policy solutions to the climate crisis affecting Southern California residents. She is a Project Officer (Research team) for the Global Schools Program. Before joining SDSN Youth / Global Schools Program in November 2020, Brenda interned for ten months at the United States Senate where she engaged with foreign relations and climate policy teams. She is also a 2018-2019 Fulbright Scholar, having run a high school Model United Nations program in Madrid, Spain. Brenda earned her Master's degree in Global Studies from the University of Oregon, and her Bachelor's in International Security from San Diego State University. In addition to the United States and Spain, Brenda has living, research, and learning experience in Mexico and the UK, she is fluent in English and Spanish, and can also communicate in French, Italian, and Portuguese.

Brenda Garcia Millan
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SDSN moviliza el esfuerzo científico y tecnológico mundial para promover soluciones prácticas para el desarrollo sostenible, incluida la implementación de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y el Acuerdo Climático de París.

19 rue Bergère

75009 Paris 


+33 (0) 1 84 86 06 60

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