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school learning activities
Global Schools
Professional Development Sesssions

Providing free, high-quality training workshops for schools internationally

Educator WorkshoPs

Global Schools offers high-quality professional development training at no cost. Our workshops are designed to enhance teaching skills, introduce new pedagogies that support the advancement of sustainable development, and foster a global perspective in education. Educators gain access to a wealth of speakers and collaborative networks.

High-Level Panels & Events

We strive to give teachers and educators the opportunities to present their work at UN-level events, such as the ECOSOC Youth Forum, ECOSOC Partnership Forum, the HLPF, Helsinki Education week, the International Conference on Sustainable Development, COP, and more.

Student Presentations

We also seek to organize events where students can share their SDG work and projects. Most recently, we held a Global Schools Student Symposium, and featured student presenters at the International Conference on Sustainable Development.

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SDSN moviliza el esfuerzo científico y tecnológico mundial para promover soluciones prácticas para el desarrollo sostenible, incluida la implementación de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y el Acuerdo Climático de París.

19 rue Bergère

75009 Paris 


+33 (0) 1 84 86 06 60

475 Riverside Dr. 

Suite 530

New York, NY 10115


+1 (212) 870-3920

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