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Raquel Armendariz

Project Lead, Communications

Raquel Armendariz (she/her) currently serves as a Project Lead for Communications at Global Schools Program - an initiative of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). She earned her International Relations bachelor after completing her studies in Spain and the United States. She also holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Public Policy, Political Science, and Government from the University of California Riverside and is currently in her last year for a Master’s in Communication, Culture, Society, and Politics. She has previously worked in various advocacy and communications roles in Spain, the US, and the United Kingdom. These experiences have allowed her to learn more about the processes needed to advance in society and advocate for social issues. In particular, Raquel is passionate about political advocacy, environmental justice, women´s rights, and the promotion of international cooperation, and her articles discussing these topics have been published in different international media outlets. She earned her recognition as Climate Reality Leader after being trained by former US vice-president Al-Gore and has served as a volunteer for the same organization -Climate Reality Project-, Girl Up – the United Nations Foundation, and several other institutions.

Raquel Armendariz
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SDSN moviliza el esfuerzo científico y tecnológico mundial para promover soluciones prácticas para el desarrollo sostenible, incluida la implementación de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y el Acuerdo Climático de París.

19 rue Bergère

75009 Paris 


+33 (0) 1 84 86 06 60

475 Riverside Dr. 

Suite 530

New York, NY 10115


+1 (212) 870-3920

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